tigre - Transcription factor Inference through Gaussian process Reconstruction of Expression
The tigre package implements our methodology of Gaussian process differential equation models for analysis of gene expression time series from single input motif networks. The package can be used for inferring unobserved transcription factor (TF) protein concentrations from expression measurements of known target genes, or for ranking candidate targets of a TF.
Last updated 4 months ago
4.38 score 6 scripts 346 downloadstigreBrowserWriter - 'tigreBrowser' Database Writer
Write modelling results into a database for 'tigreBrowser', a web-based tool for browsing figures and summary data of independent model fits, such as Gaussian process models fitted for each gene or other genomic element. The browser is available at <https://github.com/PROBIC/tigreBrowser>.
Last updated 7 years ago
2.70 score 8 scripts 127 downloads